Decoded Slug: ~かけ (〜kake)

Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
~かけ (〜kake)

~かけ (〜kake)

Short explanation:

Expresses the meaning of being in the middle of doing something or of something being partway done.


Verb-ますstem + かけ


Kare wa shokuji wo tabekake desu.
He is in the middle of eating his meal.
Kono hon wa yomikake de, mada owatteimasen.
This book is partway read, and it is not yet finished.
Kono heya wa soujikake de, mada kataduiteimasen.
This room is partway cleaned, and it's not yet tidied up.
Purojekuto wa shinkoukake de, raishuu ni wa kanryou suru yotei desu.
The project is in progress and is scheduled to be completed next week.

Long explanation:

The ~かけ grammar point is used to indicate that something is in the process of being done or is partway completed. This is often used with verbs to describe an action that is not yet finished or is ongoing. The verb should be in its ます-form, and かけ is added after removing the ます.

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