Decoded Slug: ~たり、~たり します (〜tari, 〜tari shimasu)

Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
~たり、~たり します (〜tari, 〜tari shimasu)

~たり、~たり します (〜tari, 〜tari shimasu)

Short explanation:

Used to list multiple actions or states; 'do things like', 'and'.


Verb-casual-past + たり + Verb-casual-past + たり + します


Kyuujitsu niwa, eiga wo mitari, tomodachi to asondari shimasu.
On holidays, I do things like watch movies and hang out with friends.
Kare wa utattari, odottari, piano wo hikitari shimasu.
He sings, dances, plays the piano, among other things.
Kono resutoran de wa, sushi wo tabetari, sashimi wo tabetari shimasu.
At this restaurant, you can eat sushi, sashimi, and so on.
Kanojo wa maiasa, joggingu shitari, yoga wo shitari shimasu.
Every morning, she does things like jogging and yoga.

Long explanation:

The ~たり、~たり します grammar point is used to list multiple actions or states without fully enumerating them. It can imply that there are more items in the list and can be translated as 'do things like', 'and', 'among other things', or 'and so on' in English. It is formed by attaching たり to the verb stem of the casual past tense of the verb, followed by します.

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