Decoded Slug: ~にともなって (〜ni tomonatte)

Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
~にともなって (〜ni tomonatte)

~にともなって (〜ni tomonatte)

Short explanation:

Expresses 'along with' or 'as a result of'; indicates that one event occurs along with another.


Noun (event) + にともなって, Verb-casual + にともなって


Jinkou ga fueru ni tomonatte, koutsuu juutai mo akka shiteimasu.
As the population increases, traffic congestion is also getting worse.
Kisetsu no kawarime ni tomonatte, taichou wo kuzushi yasuku narimasu.
As the seasons change, it's easier to get out of shape.
Keizai no seichou ni tomonatte, koyou no kikai mo fueru deshou.
As the economy grows, employment opportunities will also increase.
Kare no shoushin ni tomonatte, hikkoshi wo suru koto ni narimashita.
As a result of his promotion, we decided to move.

Long explanation:

The ~にともなって grammar point is used to indicate that one event occurs along with another event, or as a result of another event. It can be translated as 'along with', 'as a result of', or 'in accordance with' in English. The formation differs depending on whether it is used with a noun, verb, or adjective.

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