Decoded Slug: ~まま (〜mama)

Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
~まま (〜mama)

~まま (〜mama)

Short explanation:

Expresses the state or condition remaining unchanged.


Verb-ます stem + まま, い-Adjective + まま, な-Adjective + なまま, Noun + のまま


Heya no mado wo aketa mama nemashita.
I slept with the window of the room open.
Atsui mama no koohii wo nonde, shita wo kogashimashita.
I drank the coffee while it was still hot and burned my tongue.
Kare wa isogashii na mama, yasumi no hi mo shigoto wo shiteimasu.
He continues to be busy, working even on his days off.
Kanojo wa kokyou no mama, gaikoku ni ikanaide shigoto wo mitsuketa.
She found a job without going abroad, staying in her hometown.

Long explanation:

The 〜まま grammar point is used to indicate that a state or condition remains unchanged or continues as it is, without any change or intervention. It can be used with verbs, い-adjectives, な-adjectives, and nouns to express the idea of something being left, kept, or maintained in its current state.

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