Decoded Slug: Verb たら きりがない (Verb tara kiri ga nai)

Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
Verb たら きりがない (Verb tara kiri ga nai)

Verb たら きりがない (Verb tara kiri ga nai)

Short explanation:

Represents an endless cycle of doing something; 'if one starts doing something, it will not stop'


Verb-た form + きりがない


Kono enjin o shuuri sureba, mata kowarete, mata shuuri sureba, kiri ga nai.
If I fix this engine and then it breaks again and I fix it again, it will never end.
Nomihajimetara kiri ga nai.
Once I start drinking, it never stops.
Kanojo ni okane o kashitara, kiri ga nai.
If I lend her money, there will be no end to it.
Kare no hanashi o kikihajimetara kiri ga nai.
Once you start listening to his stories, it never ends.

Long explanation:

The たらきりがない grammar point is used to express an endless or cyclical action, often implying that once the action starts, it won't stop or end. The action is usually undesirable or negative, and the speaker implies that it should be avoided to prevent the cycle from continuing. This structure is mostly used after a verb in the た-form followed by きりがない.

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