Decoded Slug: 같이 [gachi] (Together)

Korean Grammar Point
같이 [gachi] (Together)

같이 [gachi] (Together)

Short explanation:

This is used to express 'together' or 'along with'.


Noun + 같이


제 친구와 같이 영화를 보러 갔어요. 짱짱 재미 있었어요!
Je chinguwa gachi yeonghwareul boreo gasseoyo. Jjangjjang jaemi isseosseoyo!
I went to see a movie with my friend. It was really fun!
내일은 우리 모두 같이 공원에 가서 피크닉을 하기로 했어요.
Naeireun uri modu gachi gongwone gaseo pikeunikeul hagiro haesseoyo.
We decided to all go to the park and have a picnic together tomorrow.
엄마와 같이 요리하면 항상 더 맛있는 음식을 만들 수 있어요.
Umma wa gachi yorihamyun hangsang deo mashitneun eumsigeul mandeul su isseoyo.
If I cook with my mom, I can always make more delicious food.
과외 선생님과 같이 공부하면 많은 도움이 되요.
Gwaoe seonsaengnim gwa gachi gongbuhamyun manheun doumi dweyo.
Studying with a private tutor is very helpful.

Long explanation:

'같이 [gachi]' is a Korean adverb that is used to indicate doing something 'together' or 'along with' someone else. It adds the meaning of companionship or co-action to the verb in the sentence. It can be attached after a noun directly without a space.

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