Decoded Slug: 아/어/여 보다 [a/eo/yeo boda] (Try doing)

Korean Grammar Point
아/어/여 보다 [a/eo/yeo boda] (Try doing)

아/어/여 보다 [a/eo/yeo boda] (Try doing)

Short explanation:

This grammar point is used to express an attempt or an experience. It can be translated as 'try doing'.


Action verb + 아/어/여 보다


이 문제를 어떻게 해결할지 모르겠으면, 내 방식대로 한 번 해보아요.
I munjereul eotteohge hae gyeolhalji moreugesseumyeon, nae bangshikdaero han beon haeboayo.
If you don't know how to solve this problem, you should try doing it my way.
김치를 만들어 본 적이 없다면, 한번 시도해보세요. 정말 쉽고 재미있어요.
Kimchireul mandeureo bon jeogi eopdamyeon, hanbeon sidohae boseyo. Jeongmal swipgo jaemi isseoyo.
If you've never tried making kimchi, give it a go. It's really easy and fun.
예전에 한국어를 배워 보았지만, 전혀 기억이 안나요
Yejeon-e hangugeoleul baewo bonatjiman, jeonhyeo gi-eogi annayo.
I've tried to learn Korean before, but I remember nothing.
이 방법으로 공부해보았는데, 결과가 아주 좋았어요.
I bangbeob-euro gongbuhabeonatneunde, gyeolgwa-ga aju joass-eoyo.
I tried studying this way, and the results were very good.

Long explanation:

The '아/어/여 보다' grammar point is used in Korean language to express trying something out or expressing that one has had an experience of doing something. It is always used with action verbs. It is important to note that the verb stem is used without any tense. The final verb '보다' carries the tense. Physical actions and actions related to taking in new information or experience are typically used with this grammar form.

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