Decoded Slug: 아/어/여도 [a/eo/yeodo] (Even if)

Korean Grammar Point
아/어/여도 [a/eo/yeodo] (Even if)

아/어/여도 [a/eo/yeodo] (Even if)

Short explanation:

This Korean grammar point means 'Even if' and is used to indicate a situation or condition that may occur.


Verb + 아/어/여도


비가 오 아 도 학교에 가야했어요, 시험이 있기 때문입니다.
Biga oado haggyoe gayahaesseoyo, siheomi itgi ddaemunimnida.
Even if it rains, I have to go to school because I have a test.
친구가 늦 어 도 기다리겠어요, 우리는 오랜 친구니까요.
Chinguga neujeodo gidarigaesseoyo, urineun oraen chingunikka yo.
Even if my friend is late, I will wait because we are old friends.
감기가 심하 여 도 축구를 해야 해요, 팀원들에게 실망시키는 것을 원하지 않아요.
Gamgiga simhayeodo chukgureul haeya haeyo, timwon deurege silmang sikineun geoseul wonhaji anhayo.
Even if I have a bad cold, I have to play football, I don't want to disappoint my teammates.
날씨가 추워져 도 산책을 계속하겠어요, 그것이 스트레스를 해소하는 최고의 방법이에요.
Nalssiga chuwojyeodo sanchaeg eul gyesokhagaesseoyo, geugeosi seuteureseureul haesohaneun choegoui bangbeob ieyo.
Even if the weather gets cold, I will continue to take a walk, as it is the best way to relieve stress.

Long explanation:

'아/어/여도 [a/eo/yeodo]' is a Korean grammar point used to express the meaning of 'Even if'. It is used when you want to indicate a hypothetical situation or condition that may occur, but you still continue conducting an action or maintain a certain state or condition irrespective of it. In essence, it is used to express a situation where the occurrence of event B does not affect event A.

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