Decoded Slug: 와/과 [wa/gwa] (And, with – for nouns)

Korean Grammar Point
와/과 [wa/gwa] (And, with – for nouns)

와/과 [wa/gwa] (And, with – for nouns)

Short explanation:

This is used to indicate conjunction between two nouns. It works similar to 'and' or 'with' in English.


Noun(1st syllable contains vowel) + 와 + Noun Noun(1st syllable contains consonant) + 과 + Noun


나는 공원에서 강아지와 뛰어 놀았어요.
Naneun gong-won-eseo gang-aji-wa ttui-eo norat-seo-yo.
I played with a puppy in the park.
아침보다 커피랑 빵과 함께 잘 먹어요.
A-chim-boda ko-pi-rang ppang-gwa ham-kke jal meog-eoyo.
I eat well with coffee and bread rather than breakfast.
친구와 연필과 함께 공부하였어요.
Chin-gu-wa yeonpil-gwa hamkke gongbuhaesseoyo.
I studied with a friend and a pencil.
나는 내 가족과 함께 여행 갔어요.
Naneun nae gajok-gwa hamkke yeohaeng gasseoyo.
I went on a trip with my family.

Long explanation:

'와/과 [wa/gwa]' is a connecting particle used commonly in Korean language to link two nouns and show a relationship between them. This grammar point can be interchangeable depending on the last syllable of the noun. If the last letter of the noun is a vowel, the particle '와' is used, while '과' is attached to a noun ending in a consonant.

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