Decoded Slug: (으)려고 [(eu)ryeogo] (Intention to do)

Korean Grammar Point
(으)려고 [(eu)ryeogo] (Intention to do)

(으)려고 [(eu)ryeogo] (Intention to do)

Short explanation:

Used to express the speaker's intention or plan to do something.


Verb+ (으)려고


저는 한국어를 배우려고 한국에 왔어요.
Jeoneun hangugeoreul baeuryeogo hanguge watseoyo.
I came to Korea to learn Korean.
누나는 살을 빼려고 운동하고 있어요.
Nuna-neun sal-eul ppael yuh-go oon-dong-ha-go iss-uh-yo.
My older sister is exercising in order to lose weight.
학생들은 시험에 통과하려고 열심히 공부하고 있어요.
Haksaeng-deul-eun siheom-e tonggwahal leou-go yeolsimhi gongbuha-go iss-eo-yo.
The students are studying hard in order to pass the exam.
아빠는 아이들에게 좋은 생활을 제공하려고 매일 일해요.
Appa-neun a-ideul-eh-ge jo-eun saeng-hwal-eul jegongha-leou-go mae-il il-hae-yo.
Father works every day in order to provide a good life for the children.

Long explanation:

The '(으)려고 [(eu)ryeogo]' form is used in Korean to express the intention or plan to do something. It is similar to 'intend to', 'plan to', or 'in order to' in English. You can use it for things that you yourself intend to do, as well as other people's intentions you're aware of. This can include future plans, aspirations, or strategies.

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