Decoded Slug: (으)로 [(eu)ro] (To, toward; as a tool/method)

Korean Grammar Point
(으)로 [(eu)ro] (To, toward; as a tool/method)

(으)로 [(eu)ro] (To, toward; as a tool/method)

Short explanation:

Used to express direction, means / method, transformation, and purpose


Noun + (으)로


나는 매일 아침 지하철로 학교에 가요.
Naneun maeil achim jihacheollo hakgyoe gayo.
I go to school by subway every morning.
우리 아빠는 요리를 재료로 사랑을 표현해요.
Uri appaneun yorireul jaeryoro sarangeul pyohyeonhaeyo.
My father expresses his love through cooking ingredients.
그 회사는 종이를 재활용해서 노트북으로 만들어요.
Geu hoesaneun jongireul jaehwallyonghaeseo noteubugeuro mandeuleoyo.
The company recycles paper into notebooks.
문을 열기 위해 열쇠로 문을 돌려요.
Muneul yeolgi wihae yeolswero muneul dollyeoyo.
I turn the key in the lock to open the door.

Long explanation:

'(으)로 [(eu)ro]' is a postposition in Korean language that is used to express various types of information such as direction (to, toward), means or method (by, with, using), transformation (into), and purpose. This particle is attached directly to a noun if the noun ends in a vowel and becomes '으로' if the noun ends with a consonant. The usage widely depends on the context.

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