Decoded Slug: ~고 보면 [go bomyeon] (When you see/consider, upon closer look)

Korean Grammar Point
~고 보면 [go bomyeon] (When you see/consider, upon closer look)

~고 보면 [go bomyeon] (When you see/consider, upon closer look)

Short explanation:

This grammar is used to express the meaning 'when seen or considered in a certain way' or 'upon closer look'.


Verb stem + 고 보면


처음에는 문제가 어렵게 느껴졌지만, 자세히 보고 보면 그렇게 어렵지 않아요.
Cheoeumeneun munjega eoryeopge neukgyeojyeotjiman, jasehi bogo bomyeon geureoke eoryeopji anhayo.
At first, the problem seemed difficult, but when you look at it closely, it's not that hard.
처음에는 그의 아이디어가 이상하게 느껴졌지만, 고민해 보고 보면 그의 아이디어가 뛰어난 것을 알 수 있었어요.
Cheoeumeneun geuui aideulga isanghage neukgyeojyeotjiman, gominhae bogo bomyeon geuui aideulga ddwieonan geoseul alsu isseosseoyo.
At first, his idea felt strange, but when I thought about it, I could see that his idea was exceptional.
사진을 보고 보면 그가 행복한 것 같아 보여요.
Sajineul bogo bomyeon geuga haengbokhan geot gata boyeoyo.
When I looked at the picture, he seemed happy.
이 책을 읽고 보면, 저자의 메시지를 더 잘 이해할 수 있을 것 같아요.
I chaekeul ilkgo bomyeon, jeojaye mesijireul deo jal ihaehal su isseul geot gatayo.
Upon reading this book, I think I could better understand the author's message.

Long explanation:

'~고 보면 [go bomyeon]' is a Korean grammatical expression that conveys the idea of considering or viewing things from a particular perspective, or after taking a closer look. It's often used to point out characteristics or features that may not be immediately apparent, but become evident upon further consideration or examination. This structure provides a way to view something from a different angle, interpreting its meaning or impact in a new light.

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