Decoded Slug: ~는지 알다 [neunji alda] (Know if)

Korean Grammar Point
~는지 알다 [neunji alda] (Know if)

~는지 알다 [neunji alda] (Know if)

Short explanation:

Used to express 'know if' or 'know whether'.


Verb+는지 알다 / Adjective+는지 알다


그가 내 말을 이해하는지 알 수 없어요.
Geuga nae mareul ihaehaneunji al su eopseoyo.
I don't know if he understands my words.
그녀가 결정을 내렸는지 알고 싶어요.
Geunyeoga gyeoljeongeul naeryeonneunji algo sip-eoyo.
I want to know if she has made a decision.
우리가 다음 주에 만날 수 있는지 알아야 해요.
Uriga da-eum jue mannal su issneunji al-aya haeyo.
We need to find out if we can meet next week.
학생들이 문제를 해결하는지 알기 위해 선생님들이 항상 확인합니다.
Haksaengdeuli munjeleul haegyeolhaneunji algi wihae seonsaengnimdeuli hangsang hwaginhapnida.
Teachers always check to know if the students are solving the problem.

Long explanation:

The structure '~는지 알다 [neunji alda]' is used to express the concept of knowing if something is the case or not. It is utilized when conveying what someone knows or doesn't know about a certain aspect or event. The usage of this form often appears in sentences with unknown information about the subject or the situation.

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