Decoded Slug: ~마련이다 [maryeonida] (Bound to, tend to)

Korean Grammar Point
~마련이다 [maryeonida] (Bound to, tend to)

~마련이다 [maryeonida] (Bound to, tend to)

Short explanation:

Used to express something is bound to happen or a situation or condition is naturally or usually that way.


Noun +이/가 + 마련이다


사람들이 보는 것을 신경 쓰지 않으려 해도 그럴 수 없는게 마련이다.
Saramdeuli boneun geoseul singyeong sseuji aneuryeo haedo geureol su eobsneunge maryeonida.
Even if you try not to care about what people think, it's only natural that you can't help it.
작은 아이들이 많이 노는 것은 그럴 만한 나이이니깐 그럴 마련이다.
Jageun aideuli mani noneun geoseun geureol manhan naiinikkan geureol maryeonida.
It's only natural for young children to play a lot because it's an appropriate age for them to do so.
이번에 실패했다고 해서 다음에도 실패할 거라고 확신할 수 없는게 마련이다.
Ibeone silpaehaetdago haeseo daeumeodo silpaehal georago hwaksinhal su eobsneunge maryeonida.
Just because you failed this time doesn't mean you're bound to fail next time.
힘든 일이 생기면 우울해지는건 마련이다.
Himdeun iri saenggimyeon uulhaejineungeon maryeonida.
When hard times hit, it's natural to feel down.

Long explanation:

The expression '마련이다 [maryeonida]' is used to talk about an inevitability or a fact of life, something that is likely or expected to happen given the circumstances or nature of something. This often conveys a sense of resignation or acceptance of these inherently likely occurrences or situations. It is quite similar to the English expressions 'bound to' or 'tend to'.

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