Decoded Slug: ~면 어때 [myeon eottae] (How about if)

Korean Grammar Point
~면 어때 [myeon eottae] (How about if)

~면 어때 [myeon eottae] (How about if)

Short explanation:

Used to suggest an action or situation; 'How about if'


Verb-면 어때


날씨가 좋으니까, 우리 공원에서 놀면 어때?
Nalssiga joheunikka, uri gongwoneseo nolmyeon eottae?
The weather is good, so how about we play in the park?
걱정이 많아 보여. 잠시 체육관에 가서 운동하면 어때?
Geokjeongi manha boyeo. Jamsi cheyukgane gaseo undonghamyeon eottae?
You look worried. How about going to the gym for a while and exercising?
시간이 없다고요? 그럼 음식을 배달하면 어때?
Sigani eopsdagoyo? Geureom eumsigeul baedalhamyeon eottae?
You said you don't have time? Then how about if we deliver the food?
이 문제를 어떻게 해결하면 어때?
I munjeleul eotteoke haegyeolhamyeon eottae?
How about if we solve this problem?

Long explanation:

'~면 어때 [myeon eottae]' is a phrase used in Korean to propose an alternative plan or seek agreement on a course of action. It is equivalent to saying 'how about if' or 'what if' in English. It is also used to ask for someone's opinion or reaction if a certain condition is met or a particular situation occurs.

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