Decoded Slug: ~부터 ~까지 [buteo ~ kkaji] (From ~ to)

Korean Grammar Point
~부터 ~까지 [buteo ~ kkaji] (From ~ to)

~부터 ~까지 [buteo ~ kkaji] (From ~ to)

Short explanation:

Used to express a range or a period; 'from ~ to'.


Noun/Verb+부터 + Noun/Verb+까지


나는 아침 8시부터 저녁 6시까지 일해요.
Naneun achim 8sibuteo jeonyeok 6sikkaji ilhaeyo.
I work from 8 in the morning until 6 in the evening.
친구집부터 학교까지 걸어갔어요.
Chingu jibbuteo hakgyokkaji georeogasseoyo.
I walked from my friend's house to school.
1부터 10까지 세어보세요.
1buteo 10kkaji se-eoboseyo.
Count from 1 to 10.
이번 주말부터 다음 주말까지 여행을 가려고 해요.
I-beon jumalbuteo da-eum jumalkkaji yeohaeng-eul garyeogo haeyo.
I plan to travel from this weekend to the next weekend.

Long explanation:

'~부터 ~까지 [buteo ~ kkaji]' is a grammatical construct used in Korean to describe a range or span, conceptually equivalent to 'from ~ to' in English. It's used when the speaker wants to specify a start and end point, whether it's in terms of time, location, sequence, or other dimensions.

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