Decoded Slug: ~아/어서 [a/eoseo] (Because, so)

Korean Grammar Point
~아/어서 [a/eoseo] (Because, so)

~아/어서 [a/eoseo] (Because, so)

Short explanation:

Used to express reason or cause, 'because', 'so'.


Verb stem + 아/어서


머리가 아파서 학교에 갈 수 없었습니다.
Meoriga apaseo hakgyoe gal su eopseosseumnida.
I couldn't go to school because I had a headache.
오늘 날씨가 좋아서 산책하러 갔습니다.
Oneul nalssiga johaseo sanchaekhaneureo gatsseumnida.
I went for a walk because the weather was good today.
이 영화가 재미있어서 두 번 봤어요.
i yeonghwaga jaemiisseoseo du beon bwasseoyo.
I watched this movie twice because it was interesting.
그녀는 책을 잃어서 슬퍼합니다.
Geunyeoneun chaegul irheoseo seulpeohamnida.
She is sad because she lost her book.

Long explanation:

'~아/어서 [a/eoseo]' is a conjunctive ending in Korean language that is used to show the reason or cause of something. It can be translated as 'because' or 'so' in English. It adds explanation or reason to the main clause and is commonly used in everyday speech and writing.

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