Decoded Slug: ~았/었 던 [at/eot deon] (Past descriptive)

Korean Grammar Point
~았/었 던 [at/eot deon] (Past descriptive)

~았/었 던 [at/eot deon] (Past descriptive)

Short explanation:

This grammar point is used to describe past events or situations.


Verb in past tense(~았/었) + 던 + Noun


제가 어릴 때 즐겨 본 애니메이션 던 쇼를 어제 다시 보았어요, 많은 추억이 떠올랐어요.
Jega eoril ttae jeulgyeo bon aenimeisyeon deon syoreul eoje dasi boasseoyo, manheun chueogi tteooreosseoyo.
I watched the animation show I used to enjoy when I was a kid again yesterday, and many memories came up.
그는 5년 전에 만났던 친구와 오랜만에 다시 만났어요.
Geuneun 5nyeon jeone mannatdeon chinguwa orae manhi dasi mannatseoyo.
He met a friend whom he met 5 years ago after a long time.
여름에 가봤던 해변에 다시 가고 싶어요.
Yeorum e gabwatdeon haebyeone dasi gago sipeoyo.
I want to go back to the beach I visited in the summer.
저는 학교에서 만났던 친구들과 지금도 친하게 지내요.
Jeoneun hakgyoeso mannatdeon chingudeulgwa jigeumdo chin hage jinaeyo.
I am still close with friends I met at school.

Long explanation:

'~았/었 던 [at/eot deon]' is a past descriptive form in Korean used to describe an event, person, or situation that happened in the past. It is mainly used to describe a subjective memory or a past situation from the speaker's point of view and can be paired with noun to express the past state.

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