Decoded Slug: ~에 따라 [e ddara] (According to, depends on)

Korean Grammar Point
~에 따라 [e ddara] (According to, depends on)

~에 따라 [e ddara] (According to, depends on)

Short explanation:

Used to express 'according to' or 'depends on'.


Noun + 에 따라


날씨에 따라 우리의 여행 계획이 변경될 수 있어요.
Nalssie ddara uriui yeohaeng gyeonghwagi byeongyeongdoel su isseoyo.
Our travel plans can change depending on the weather.
살아있는 동물의 종류에 따라 그들의 생활 패턴이 많이 달라질 수 있어요.
Saraissneun dongmului jongryue ddara geudeului saenghwal paeteuni mani dallajil su isseoyo.
The lifestyle patterns of living animals can greatly vary depending on their species.
사람들의 의견에 따라 당신의 결정이 달라질 수 있어요.
Saramdeul uiui ddara dangshinui gyeoljeongi dallajil su isseoyo.
Your decision could vary depending on people's opinions.
성적에 따라 대학 선택이 달라질 수 있어요.
Seongjeoke ddara daehak seontaegi dallajil su isseoyo.
Your choice of university could vary depending on your grades.

Long explanation:

'~에 따라 [e ddara]' is a grammar point in Korean that is used to express the idea of something being dependent on or varying according to something else. It is used in sentences to show that the result or situation can change or vary depending on a particular condition or factor.

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