Decoded Slug: ~을/ㄹ 수록 [eul/l surok] (The more)

Korean Grammar Point
~을/ㄹ 수록 [eul/l surok] (The more)

~을/ㄹ 수록 [eul/l surok] (The more)

Short explanation:

Used for expressing 'the more...the more' comparative form in Korean.


Verb-을/ㄹ 수록


한국어를 많이 공부할수록 한국어 문화를 더 잘 이해할 수 있어요.
Hangug-eoleul mani gongbuhal surog hangug-eo munhwareul deo jal ihaehal su iss-eoyo.
The more you study Korean, the better you understand Korean culture.
여기에 오래 있을수록, 이 도시가 점점 더 좋아져요.
Yeogie orae isseulsurok, i dosiga jeomjeom deo joajyeoyo.
The more I stay here, the more I like this city.
걷기를 매일 할수록 건강이 점점 좋아져요.
Geotgireul maeil halsurok geongangi jeomjeom joajyeoyo.
The more I walk every day, the healthier I get.
커피를 많이 마실수록 잠이 덜 올 것 같아요.
Keopireul mani masilsurok jami deol ol geot gatayo.
The more coffee I drink, the less likely I am to fall asleep.

Long explanation:

The grammar point '~을/ㄹ 수록 [eul/l surok]' is used to indicate that as the action or state in the first clause increases or changes, so does the action or state in the second clause. It is primarily used with verbs, and it is similar to 'the more... the more' in English. In essence, it shows a proportional or parallel increase or change between two events or conditions.

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