Decoded Slug: ~을/를 빼다 [eul/reul ppaeda] (Except for)

Korean Grammar Point
~을/를 빼다 [eul/reul ppaeda] (Except for)

~을/를 빼다 [eul/reul ppaeda] (Except for)

Short explanation:

Used to express 'except for' or 'excluding', conveying an exclusion of something from a group or a set.


Noun + 을/를 빼다


그는 아무 것도 하지 않았어요, 그림 그리는 것을 빼고 말이죠.
Geuneun amu geotdo haji anhasseoyo, geurim geurineun geoseul ppaego marijyo.
He didn't do anything, except for drawing pictures.
모든 학생들이 방과 후에 운동을 했어요, 제가 아픈 것을 빼고 말이죠.
Modeun haksaengdeuri banggwa hue undongeul haesseoyo, jegA apeun geoseul ppaego marijyo.
All the students exercised after school, except for me being ill.
저는 모든 과일을 좋아해요, 체리를 빼고 말이에요.
Jeoneun modeun gwaireul joahaeyo, cherireul ppaego marieyo.
I like all fruits, except for cherries.
지금까지 모든 영화를 다 봤어요, 코메디를 빼고요.
Jigeumkkaji modeun yeongwareul da bwasseoyo, komedireul ppaegoyo.
So far, I've watched all the movies, except for comedies.

Long explanation:

The phrase '~을/를 빼다 [eul/reul ppaeda]' is a conjunction used in Korean to imply an exception to the general statement, or to indicate that something is 'not included' or 'excluded'. Therefore, it can be translated as 'except for', 'aside from', or 'discounting' in English. The noun, grouping, or person that we want to make an exception from a group or a set is attached to '~을/를' and '빼다' follows. The sentence '은/는' can be used to describe who or what is included in the group.

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