Decoded Slug: ~이다 보니 [ida boni] (Since, as)

Korean Grammar Point
~이다 보니 [ida boni] (Since, as)

~이다 보니 [ida boni] (Since, as)

Short explanation:

This pattern is used to state a reason or cause that leads to certain result, acting like 'since' or 'as' in English.


Verb stem + -다 + 보니


매일 같은 길을 걸어다니니 보니 이 동네에 대해 잘 알게 되었어요.
Maeil gateun gileul georeodanini boni i dongne-e daehae jal alge doeeoss-eoyo.
Since I walk the same way every day, I have come to know this neighborhood well.
한국에서 한 달 살다 보니 한국어가 조금 더 편해졌어요.
Hangug-eseo han dal salda boni hanguk-eoga jogeum deo pyeonhae-jyeoss-eoyo.
Since living in Korea for a month, Korean has become a bit more comfortable for me.
우리는 같은 회사에서 일하다 보니 친해졌어요.
Ulineun gateun hoesa-eseo ilhada boni chinhae-jyeoss-eoyo.
Since we worked together at the same company, we became close.
매일 아침에 운동을 하다 보니 몸이 건강해진 것 같아요.
Maeil achim-e undong-eul hada boni mom-i geonganghae-jin geos gat-ayo.
Since I exercise every morning, it seems my body has become healthier.

Long explanation:

'~이다 보니 [ida boni]' is a conjunction phrase used in Korean to express a cause-and-effect relationship, often aligning with 'since' or 'as' in English. It is used when a certain state or repeated action leads to a certain consequence or realisation. This grammar point often implies that the effect was gradual or not immediately apparent, unravelling over time. Similar idiomatic English phrases might be 'as time went on' or 'over time'.

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