Decoded Slug: ~일 때 [il ttae] (When, while)

Korean Grammar Point
~일 때 [il ttae] (When, while)

~일 때 [il ttae] (When, while)

Short explanation:

Used to indicate a specific time or situation when an action or event happens.


Verb stem/Adjective stem + 일 때


누나가 집에 올 때 항상 반겨주는 것이 여동생의 일과입니다.
Nuna-ga jib-e ol ttae hangsang bangyeojuneun geosi yeodongsaeng-ui ilgwaimnida.
The younger sister's duty is to always welcome her when her older sister comes home.
출근할 때 항상 커피를 마시는 습관이 있어요.
Chulgeunhal ttae hangsang keopi-reul masineun seubgwan-i isseoyo.
I have a habit of always drinking coffee when I go to work.
공부를 할 때 음악을 듣는 것이 집중하는데 도움이 되요.
Gongbureul hal ttae eumag-eul deudneun geosi jibjunghaneunde doum-i doeyo.
Listening to music when studying helps to concentrate.
비가 올 때 행복한 노래를 듣는 것은 좋은 아이디어입니다.
Bi-ga ol ttae haengbokhan noraereul deudneun geoseun jo-eun aidieoimnida.
Listening to a happy song when it rains is a good idea.

Long explanation:

'~일 때 [il ttae]' is a grammar structure commonly used in Korean to express 'when' or 'while'. It indicates a specific time of occurrence or particular circumstance. It is used to show the occurrence of an action, event or situation at the same time as another action, event or situation. It can be used with both past and future tense and can be placed after either the verb stem or adjective stem.

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