Decoded Slug: ~조차 [jocha] (Even)

Korean Grammar Point
~조차 [jocha] (Even)

~조차 [jocha] (Even)

Short explanation:

This grammar point expresses the meaning 'even' or 'to the extent that'.


Noun + 조차


그는 돈조차 너무 좋아해서 친구들에게 돈을 빌려주지 않아요.
Geuneun donjocha neomu joahaseo chingudeurege doneul billyeojugi anhayo.
He likes money so much that he doesn't even lend money to his friends.
저는 이번 주말에는 집에서 나가는 것조차 귀찮아요.
Jeoneun ibeon jumaleneun jibeseo naganeun geotjocha gwicheonhayo.
This weekend, I even find going out of the house annoying.
이번 시험은 너무 어려워서 문제를 읽는 것조차 어려웠어요.
Ibeon siheomeun neomu eoryeowoseo munjeleul ilgneun geotjocha eoryeowosseoyo.
This exam was so hard that even reading the problems was difficult.
가게에 사람이 너무 많아서 메뉴를 선택하는 것조차 힘들었어요.
Gagee sarami neomu manaseo menyureul seontaekhaneun geotjocha himdeureosseoyo.
There were so many people in the store that even choosing the menu was difficult.

Long explanation:

'~조차 [jocha]' is used in Korean to emphasizes a situation or circumstance where something is considered to the degree or extent that it even includes the thing being stated. It reinforces the degree of something and is used to show the maximum limit or strong emphasis, conveying a sense of surprise and unexpectedness.

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