Decoded Slug: ~지요 [jiyo] (Isn't it? Right?)

Korean Grammar Point
~지요 [jiyo] (Isn't it? Right?)

~지요 [jiyo] (Isn't it? Right?)

Short explanation:

Used to confirm if the listener agrees or knows about what the speaker just mentioned.


Statement + 지요


날씨가 많이 추워졌지요, 스카프를 챙겨야 할 것 같아요.
Nalssiga mani chuwajyeotjiyo, seukaopeureul chaenggyeoya hal geot gatayo.
The weather has gotten quite cold, hasn't it? I think we should bring a scarf.
우리 다음 주에 시험 있지요, 공부해야겠어요.
Uri daeum jue siheom issjiyo, gongbuhaeyagesseoyo.
We have an exam next week, right? We should study.
이번 주말에 친구들과 캠핑 가기로 했지요, 준비가 더 필요할 것 같아요.
Ibeon jumal-e chingudeulgwa kaemping gagi-ro haetjiyo, junbiga deo pilyohal geot gatayo.
We decided to go camping with friends this weekend, didn't we? I think we need to prepare more.
요즘 일이 많아서 힘들지요, 휴식이 필요한 시간 같아요.
Yojeum iri manha-seo himdeuljiyo, hyusigi pilyohan sigan gatayo.
These days, work is hard, isn't it? It seems like a time when rest is necessary.

Long explanation:

'~지요 [jiyo]' is a ending phrase in Korean used to seek acknowledgment of the listener or confirm mutual knowledge or agreement. This ending is often used in conversational context and aims to foster a more interactive communication by asking for the other person's agreement or understanding in a polite, friendly manner.

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