Decoded Slug: ~하기도 하다 [hagido hada] (Sometimes)

Korean Grammar Point
~하기도 하다 [hagido hada] (Sometimes)

~하기도 하다 [hagido hada] (Sometimes)

Short explanation:

This grammar form is used to express 'sometimes' or 'occasionally' doing an action.


Verb stem + 기 + 도 + 하다


나는 책을 읽기도 하고, 드라마를 보기도 합니다. 늦은 밤에 할 수 있는 활동이 전부입니다.
Naneun chaeg-eul ilg-gido hago, deurama-reul bogido habnida. Neuj-eun bam-e hal su issneun hwaldong-i jeonbuida.
Sometimes I read books, and sometimes I watch dramas. These are all the activities I can do late at night.
엄마는 우리를 도와 학교 숙제를 하기도 하고, 집안일을 도와주기도 합니다.
Eomma-neun uri-reul do-wa hakgyo sukjereul hagi-do ha-go, jibanil-eul do-waju-gi-do habnida.
Mom sometimes helps us with our school homework, and sometimes helps with house chores.
나는 공부하기도 하고 놀기도 해. 저는 다양한 활동을 즐깁니다.
Naneun gongbuha-gi-do ha-go nol-gi-do hae. Jeo-neun dayang-han hwaldong-eul jeulgibnida.
Sometimes I study, and sometimes I play. I enjoy a variety of activities.
그는 운전하기도 하고 음식을 만들기도 합니다. 그는 매우 다재다능한 사람입니다.
Geu-neun unjeonhagi-do ha-go eumsik-eul mandeul-gi-do habnida. Geu-neun maeu dajedaneunghan saramibnida.
He sometimes drives and sometimes cooks. He is a very versatile person.

Long explanation:

'~하기도 하다 [hagido hada]' is a grammar construct used to indicate that a certain action or event happens occasionally or sometimes. In English, this can be translated as 'sometimes' or 'from time to time'. The form is generally used to express a sporadic or non-routine action that is not consistently done.

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