Decoded Slug: ~하다가 [hadaga] (While doing, was doing)

Korean Grammar Point
~하다가 [hadaga] (While doing, was doing)

~하다가 [hadaga] (While doing, was doing)

Short explanation:

This grammar point is used to indicate an action that was happening or ongoing before another action or event interrupted it.


Verb stem + 하다가


저는 책을 읽다가 너무 졸려서 잠이 들었어요.
Jeoneun chaekeul ilgdaga neomu jollyeoseo jam-i deuleosseoyo.
I fell asleep while reading a book because I was too sleepy.
그는 게임을 하다가 엄마에게 잠깐 멈추라고 명령을 받았어요.
Geuneun geimeul hadaga eommaga jamkkan meomchureulmyeonglyeong-eul bad-ass-eoyo.
He was playing a game when his mother ordered him to stop for a while.
친구와 이야기하다가 갑자기 벨이 울려서 대화를 중단했어요.
Chinguwa iyagi hadaga gabjagi beli ullyeosseoyo so daehwareul jungdanhaesseoyo.
I was talking with my friend when suddenly the bell rang and we had to stop our conversation.
나는 공부하다가 흥미로운 기사를 보고 읽기 시작했어요.
Naneun gongbuhadaga heungmilon ungi sareulbogo ilkgi shijakhaesseoyo.
I was studying when I saw an interesting article and started reading it.

Long explanation:

'하다가 [hadaga]' is a Korean grammar point used to indicate that one was in the middle of doing an action when another action or event interrupts it. It is equivalent to 'while doing' or 'was doing' in English. You can use this grammar point when you want to describe two actions or events, where the second one occurs while the first one is still ongoing.

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