Decoded Slug: ~하던 중에 [hadeon junge] (While I was doing)

Korean Grammar Point
~하던 중에 [hadeon junge] (While I was doing)

~하던 중에 [hadeon junge] (While I was doing)

Short explanation:

Used to imply 'while' or 'during' doing something.


Verb + (으)던 중에


책을 읽던 중에 친구가 전화해서 놀러 왔어요.
Chaegul ilgdeon junge chinguga jeonhwahayeo nolleo wasseoyo.
While I was reading a book, my friend called and came to play.
음악을 듣던 중에 맞는 노래를 들어서 행복했습니다.
Eumageul deuddeon junge majneun noraereul deureo hengbokhetsseumnida.
While I was listening to music, I heard a song that resonated with me and I was happy.
드라마를 보던 중에 언니가 갑자기 집에 와서 놀랐어요.
Deurameul bodeon junge eonniga gabjagi jibe wasseo nollatsseoyo.
While I was watching a drama, my older sister suddenly came home and I was surprised.
운동을 하던 중에 갑자기 비가 와서 중단하고 집에 들어갔습니다.
Undongeul hadeon junge gabjagi biga wasseo jungdanhago jibe deureogatsseumnida.
While I was exercising, it suddenly started raining so I stopped and went home.

Long explanation:

'~하던 중에 [hadeon junge]' is a Korean grammar point used to express that an action or event happened while another action was in progress. This grammar point generally carries a feeling of interruption or disturbance. It's similar to the English expressions 'in the middle of' or 'while' something is happening.

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