Decoded Slug: ~해 보아야 [hae boaya] (Should try and see)

Korean Grammar Point
~해 보아야 [hae boaya] (Should try and see)

~해 보아야 [hae boaya] (Should try and see)

Short explanation:

Used to suggest that somebody should try something out to know or understand it.


Verb stem + 해 보아야


음식이 신선한지 아는 방법은 먹어 보아야 해요.
Eumsik-i sinseonhanji aneun bangbeob-eun meog-eo boaya haeyo.
The way to know if the food is fresh is to try and eat it.
이 옷이 어떤지 아는 방법은 입어 보아야 해요.
I ot-i eotteonji aneun bangbeob-eun ib-eo boaya haeyo.
The way to know how these clothes are is to try them on.
이 책이 재미있는지 아는 방법은 읽어 보아야 해요.
I chaeg-i jaemiissneunji aneun bangbeob-eun ilg-eo boaya haeyo.
The way to know if this book is interesting is to try and read it.
이 스포츠가 얼마나 재미있는지 아는 방법은 직접 해 보아야 해요.
I seupocheu-ga eolmana jaemiissneunji aneun bangbeob-eun jikjeop hae boaya haeyo.
The way to know how fun this sport is, is by trying it out.

Long explanation:

'~해 보아야 [hae boaya]' is a Korean grammar structure used when you want to suggest that one should try something to really know or understand it. It is often used when you want to express an open-minded perspective towards trying new experiences or ideas. In English, a similar phrase could be 'should try and see'.

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