Decoded Slug: ~(으)려면 [(eu)ryeomyeon] (In order to)

Korean Grammar Point
~(으)려면 [(eu)ryeomyeon] (In order to)

~(으)려면 [(eu)ryeomyeon] (In order to)

Short explanation:

Used to express the condition or criteria needed to realize a certain goal or result; 'in order to', 'if one wants to'.


Verb stem + 으려면 / Verb ending in vowel + 려면


한국어 TOPIK 시험에 합격하려면 많이 연습해야 합니다, 그렇지 않으면 성공할 수 없습니다.
Hangugeo TOPIK siheome habgyeokharyeomyeon mani yeonseubhaeya habnida, geureohji aneumyeon seonggonghal su eopsseumnida.
In order to pass the Korean TOPIK exam, you have to practice a lot, otherwise you can't succeed.
헬스 클럽에서 몸매를 유지하려면 지속적으로 운동하고 건강한 식단을 유지해야 해요.
Heulseu keulleobeseo mommaereul yujiharyeomyeon jisokjeogeuro undonghago geonganghan sigdaneul yujihaeya haeyo.
In order to maintain a good figure at the gym, you have to continually exercise and keep a healthy diet.
이 직업을 얻으려면 이 분야에서의 경험이 필요해요, 그렇지 않으면 충분히 경쟁력이 없을 거예요.
I jikeobeul eoduryeomyeon i bunyaeseoui gyeongheomi pilyohaeyo, geureohji aneumyeon chungbunhi gyeongjaengryeogi eopseul geoyeyo.
In order to get this job, you need experience in this field, otherwise you won't be competitive enough.
이런 문제를 방지하려면 좀 더 세심한 계획이 필요해요, 그렇지 않으면 같은 문제를 다시 겪을 수 있어요.
Ireon munje-reul bangjiharyeomyeon jom deo sesimhan gyehoeki pilyohaeyo, geureohji aneumyeon gateun munjereul dashi gyeogeul su isseoyo.
To prevent such issues, a more meticulous plan is needed, otherwise we could face the same problems again.

Long explanation:

'~(으)려면 [(eu)ryeomyeon]' is a grammar pattern used in Korean to set forth the conditions or criteria needed to achieve a particular outcome. It is equivalent to 'in order to' or 'if one wants to' in English. This grammar point projects a sense of prerequisite or conditionality and is generally used to emphasize that certain conditions must be met for something to happen.

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