Decoded Slug: ~(으)시든지 [(eu)sideunji] (Whether... or... [honorific])

Korean Grammar Point
~(으)시든지 [(eu)sideunji] (Whether... or... [honorific])

~(으)시든지 [(eu)sideunji] (Whether... or... [honorific])

Short explanation:

Used to list two or more possibilities in a respectful manner.


Verb + 시든지 / Adjective + 으시든지 / Noun + 이시든지


선생님이 미리 알려 주시든지, 아니면 수업시간에 배우시든지 해야 학생들이 이해할 수 있을 것 같아요.
Seonsaengnimi miri allyeo jusideunji, animyeon sueopsigane baeusideunji haeya haksaengdeuri ihaehal su isseul geot gatayo.
Whether the teacher explains it ahead of time, or teaches it during the class, it seems like then the students will be able to understand.
아빠가 지금 집에 오시든지, 아니면 조금 늦게 오시든지, 저는 항상 환영해요.
Appaga jigeum jibe osideunji, animyeon jogeum neujge osideunji, jeoneun hangsang hwanyeonghaeyo.
Whether my dad comes home now, or comes a little late, I always welcome him.
할머니가 저녁에 전화하시든지, 아니면 메세지를 보내시든지 해요.
Halmeoniga jeonyeoge jeonhwahasideunji, animyeon mesijireul bonaesideunji haeyo.
Whether my grandmother calls in the evening, or sends a message, she does so.
의사 선생님이 약을 처방하시든지, 아니면 수술을 권고하시든지, 환자는 항상 존중받아야 해요.
Uisa seonsaengnimi yageul cheobanghasideunji, animyeon susureul gwongohasideunji, hwanjaneun hangsang jonjunghabaeya haeyo.
Whether the doctor prescribes medication, or recommends surgery, the patient should always be respected.

Long explanation:

The grammar point ~(으)시든지 [(eu)sideunji] is used to list out multiple possibilities in an honorable or respectful manner, used frequently when talking about someone in a higher position or an elder. The listed possibilities do not have to be entirely likely or true, as it is used loosely to respect the freedom of choices or opinions of others. The main idea behind using this grammar is to show respect while expressing uncertainties or possibilities.

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