Decoded Slug: ~(으)십시오 [(eu)sipsio] (Please)

Korean Grammar Point
~(으)십시오 [(eu)sipsio] (Please)

~(으)십시오 [(eu)sipsio] (Please)

Short explanation:

Used to express polite requests or commands; 'please'.


Verb stem + 으십시오 (if the verb stem ends with a consonant) | Verb stem + 십시오 (if the verb stem ends with a vowel)


한 번 다시 생각해보십시오, 아마 그것이 옳은 선택일 것입니다.
Han beon dasi saenggakhaebosipsio, ama geugeosi olheun seontaegil geosibnida.
Please think it over again, it might be the right choice.
여기 앉으십시오, 저는 당신에게 말할 것이 있습니다.
Yeogi anjeusipsio, jeoneun dangshinege malhal geosi itsseumnida.
Please sit here, I have something to tell you.
집에 오셨다면, 먼저 손을 씻으십시오.
Jibe osyeotdamyeon, meonjeo soneul sseusipsio.
If you have come home, please wash your hands first.
궁금증이 있다면 그 질문을 이제 물어보십시오.
Gunggeumjeungi itsdamyeon geu jilmuneul ije mureobosipsio.
If you have any queries, please ask your question now.

Long explanation:

'~(으)십시오 [(eu)sipsio]' is a sentence ending that is used in Korean language to make a polite request or to give a polite command. It is considered a high formality level of speaking, and is often used in formal situations, such as addressing superiors or strangers. It's generally used with verbs and it changes slightly based on the final vowel of the verb stem.

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