Decoded Slug: 一...就... (yī... jiù...) - As soon as...

Mandarin Grammar Point
一...就... (yī... jiù...) - As soon as...

一...就... (yī... jiù...) - As soon as...

Short explanation:

Used to indicate that the second action happens immediately after the first action.


一 + [Action 1] + 就 + [Action 2]


Yī fàngxué, tā jiù huí jiā zuò zuòyè.
As soon as he finishes school, he goes home to do his homework.
Yī dào Běijīng, wǒmen jiù qù cānguān Chángchéng.
As soon as we arrive in Beijing, we go to visit the Great Wall.
Yī xiàyǔ jiù biàn lěng.
As soon as it rains, it gets cold.
Yī kàndào nàgè jǐngsè, tā jiù gāoxìng qǐlái.
As soon as he sees that scenery, he becomes happy.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese pattern '一...就...' (yī... jiù...) translates to 'as soon as...'. It communicates the idea that a second action or situation occurs immediately or shortly after the first one. The pattern is often used to emphasise the shortness of the time interval between the two actions.

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