Decoded Slug: 不久 (bù jiǔ) - Soon, before long

Mandarin Grammar Point
不久 (bù jiǔ) - Soon, before long

不久 (bù jiǔ) - Soon, before long

Short explanation:

Used to indicate a short period of time will pass before something happens.


Subject + 不久 + Verb + Rest of the sentence


Tā bù jiǔ jiù yào qù běijīng chūchāi.
He will go on a business trip to Beijing soon.
Wǒmen bù jiǔ jiāng huì jǔxíng yīgè dàxíng de pàiduì.
We will hold a large party before long.
Xuéxiào bù jiǔ jiāng huì jiéshù zhège xuéqī.
The school will end this term soon.
Bù jiǔ nǐ jiù huì duì zhège gōngzuò fēicháng shúxī.
You will soon be very familiar with this job.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese term '不久 (bù jiǔ)' is used to express that an event or action will happen 'soon', 'before long', or 'in a short while'. This term helps in describing a near future occurrence. The event described is usually expected to happen and is reasonably near in the future.

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