Decoded Slug: 不妨 (bùfáng) - Might as well...

Mandarin Grammar Point
不妨 (bùfáng) - Might as well...

不妨 (bùfáng) - Might as well...

Short explanation:

Used to suggest or propose a course of action that could be beneficial or won't cause harm.


Subject + 不妨 + Verb Phrase


Nǐ bùfáng shìshì zhège xīn de shǒujī yìngyòng, tā kěnéng huì duì nǐ yǒu bāngzhù.
You might as well try this new mobile app, it might be helpful to you.
Jìrán nǐ yǒu shíjiān, bùfáng qù túshūguǎn kàn kàn nà běn shū.
Since you have time, you might as well go to the library and look at that book.
Tā bùfáng kǎolǜ míngnián chūguó shēnzào, zài wàiguó de jīnglì duì tā de fāzhǎn kěndìng yǒulì.
She might as well consider going abroad to further her studies next year. The experience of being in a foreign country will certainly be beneficial to her development.
Wǒmen bùfáng wǎndiǎn zài líkāi, xiànzài gāofēng qī chē tài duō.
We might as well leave later, there are too many cars during peak hours now.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese phrase '不妨 (bùfáng)' is a modal verb suggesting an action that could be taken without potential harm, or might even bring some benefits. It translates as 'might as well...' in English. It carries a sense of casual suggestion, so it's commonly used among friends, family, or co-workers when discussing various options for action.

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