Decoded Slug: 不是...就是... (bùshì... jiùshì...) - Either... or...

Mandarin Grammar Point
不是...就是... (bùshì... jiùshì...) - Either... or...

不是...就是... (bùshì... jiùshì...) - Either... or...

Short explanation:

This is used to present two or more possibilities.


不是 + Option 1 + 就是 + Option 2


Tāmen zhōumò bùshì qù páshān jiùshì qù guàng gōngyuán.
On the weekends, they either go mountain climbing or go to the park.
Xiǎo Míng bùshì wàngjì dài yàoshi jiùshì wàngjì dài qiánbāo.
Xiao Ming either forgets to bring his keys or forgets to bring his wallet.
Nǐ kàn, tā bùshì zài kàn diànshì jiùshì zài wán shǒujī.
Look, he is either watching TV or playing with his phone.
Wǒ mèimei bùshì xǐhuan chànggē jiùshì xǐhuan tiàowǔ.
My sister either likes singing or likes dancing.

Long explanation:

The phrase '不是...就是...' in Mandarin Chinese expresses the meaning of 'either... or...'. It's used to indicate two or more possibilities or alternatives. You use it when you want to express that the scenario or outcome must be one of the options provided in the sentence.

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