Decoded Slug: 不然 (bùrán) - Otherwise, If not

Mandarin Grammar Point
不然 (bùrán) - Otherwise, If not

不然 (bùrán) - Otherwise, If not

Short explanation:

Used to express a hypothetical consequence that is undesirable or unwanted.


Condition + 不然 + Consequence


Wǒmen bìxū děi kuàidiǎner, bùrán huǒchē jiù zǒu le.
We must hurry, otherwise the train will leave.
Nǐ bìxū yào děng tā huílái cái kěyǐ zǒu, bùrán tā huì hěn dānxīn nǐ.
You must wait for him to return before you can leave, otherwise he will worry about you.
Nǐ zuì hǎo bǎ zuòyè xiě wán, bùrán lǎoshī huì shēng nǐ de qì.
You'd better finish your homework, otherwise the teacher will be angry with you.
Chī zǎocān, bùrán nǐ huì è zài shàngkè de shíhòu.
Eat breakfast, otherwise you will get hungry during class.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese phrase '不然 (bùrán)' is equivalent to 'otherwise' or 'if not' in English. It's usually used in a conditional sentence to express a consequence that would happen if the condition in the first part of the sentence is not met. This consequence is typically undesirable or unfavorable.

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