Decoded Slug: 于是 (yúshì) - So, therefore, as a result

Mandarin Grammar Point
于是 (yúshì) - So, therefore, as a result

于是 (yúshì) - So, therefore, as a result

Short explanation:

Used to indicate the result or consequence of a certain action or condition.


Condition/Action + 于是 + Result


Tā hěn lèi, yúshì zǎozǎo de qù shuìjiào le.
He was very tired, so he went to bed early.
Lǐ Míng kàn dào tiān hēi le, yúshì juédìng huí jiā.
Li Ming saw it was getting dark, so he decided to go home.
Tā méiyǒu dài sǎn, yúshì zài yǔ zhōng pǎo huí jiā.
She didn't bring an umbrella, so she ran home in the rain.
Tā fāxiàn zìjǐ mílù le, yúshì dǎ diànhuà zhǎo péngyǒu bāngmáng.
He realized he was lost, so he called a friend for help.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese word '于是 (yúshì)' is used to transition from the cause of an event to its effect, similar to using 'so', 'therefore', or 'as a result' in English. It can be used in both formal and informal conversations to express the consequence or outcome of a previous activity, condition, or circumstance.

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