Decoded Slug: 仍然 (réng rán) - Still, Yet

Mandarin Grammar Point
仍然 (réng rán) - Still, Yet

仍然 (réng rán) - Still, Yet

Short explanation:

Used to express continuity or persistence of a state or action.


Subject + 仍然 + Verb + Rest of the sentence


Suīrán tā yǐjīng yíjū guówài duōnián, dàn tā réng rán bǎochí zhe Zhōngguó de shēnghuó xíguàn.
Although he has been living abroad for many years, he still maintains Chinese lifestyle habits.
Wǒmen suīrán shīqùle bǐsài, dànshì wǒmen réng rán xiāngxìn wǒmen kěyǐ yíngdé xià cì bǐsài.
Although we lost the match, we still believe that we can win the next one.
Tā réng rán jìdé tāmen dì yī cì zài gōngyuán xiāngyù de qíngjǐng.
She still remembers the scene of their first meeting in the park.
Jíshǐ wàimiàn zhèngzài xià dàyǔ, Xiǎomíng réng rán juédìng qù cānjiā zúqiú xùnliàn.
Even though it's raining heavily outside, Xiao Ming still decided to go to football training.

Long explanation:

'仍然 (réng rán)' is a temporal adverb in Mandarin Chinese used to indicate that a situation or state continues to exist or an action continues to happen. It is similar to the English 'still' or 'yet' when talking about a situation that has not changed or an action that is continuing.

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