Decoded Slug: 似的 (shì de) - Seems like, as if

Mandarin Grammar Point
似的 (shì de) - Seems like, as if

似的 (shì de) - Seems like, as if

Short explanation:

Used to express comparison or similarity.


Subject + Verb + 似的 + Noun/Adjective


Tā xiào de xiàng háizi shì de kě'ài.
He laughs as adorable as a child.
Tiānkōng zhōng de wūyún gǔngǔn, xiàng hǎilàng shì de fānténg.
The dark clouds in the sky are rolling, rippling like ocean waves.
Tā yōuyù de yǎnshén, xiàng yǔtiān shì de shīrùn.
His melancholic eyes, moist as a rainy day.
Tā yǎn zhōng shǎnshuò de jīqíng, xiàng lièhuǒ shì de ránshāo.
The passion flickering in her eyes is burning like a fierce fire.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese phrase '似的 (shì de)' is used to describe something that seems like, or shows characteristics similar to something else. It correlates to the phrase 'as if' or 'like' in English. It is commonly used to highlight the similarities between two things or to imply a comparison.

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