Decoded Slug: 值得 (zhídé) - Worth, deserving

Mandarin Grammar Point
值得 (zhídé) - Worth, deserving

值得 (zhídé) - Worth, deserving

Short explanation:

This is used to express that something is worth doing or deserves time, effort, or attention.


Subject + 值得 + Verb/Adjective + Rest of the sentence


Xuéxí Zhōngwén bù róngyì, dànshì wǒ juédé zhídé.
Learning Chinese is not easy, but I think it's worth it.
Zhège diànyǐng fēicháng yǒuqù, zhídé yī kàn.
This movie is very interesting, it's worth watching.
Nǐ de hǎoyǒu zhídé nǐ qù xìnrèn.
Your good friends are worth your trust.
Zhège xiàngmù tèbié kùnnán, dàn wǒ juédé zhídé chángshì.
This project is particularly difficult, but I think it's worth a try.

Long explanation:

In Mandarin Chinese, '值得 (zhídé)' is used to indicate the worthiness or merit of an action, task, object, or event. It can refer to the worthiness of your time, efforts, or resources. Its placement in a sentence often precedes the action that is deemed 'worthwhile' or 'deserving', also initiating a new clause.

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