Decoded Slug: 可是 (kěshì) - But, However

Mandarin Grammar Point
可是 (kěshì) - But, However

可是 (kěshì) - But, However

Short explanation:

Used to introduce a contrasting statement or idea.


Statement1 + 可是 + Contrasting Statement2


Wǒ xiǎng qù gōngyuán wán, kěshì jīntiān xià yǔ le.
I want to go to the park, but it's raining today.
Tā kàn qǐlái hěn niánqīng, kěshì tā qíshí yǐjīng wǔshí suì le.
She looks very young, but she is actually already fifty years old.
Wǒ běnlái xiǎng chī pīsà, kěshì cāntīng yǐjīng guānmén le.
I originally wanted to eat pizza, but the restaurant has already closed.
Tā hěn cōngmíng, kěshì tā de chéngjì bìng bù hǎo.
He is very smart, but his grades are not good.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese word '可是 (kěshì)' functions as a conjunction used to introduce a contrasting statement or idea, similar to 'but' or 'however' in English. It is typically used to connect two contrasting clauses or sentences, conveying a sense of contradiction or opposition between the linked ideas.

Ace your Japanese JLPT N5-N1 preparation.


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