Decoded Slug: 哪怕 (nǎpà) - Even if, Even though

Mandarin Grammar Point
哪怕 (nǎpà) - Even if, Even though

哪怕 (nǎpà) - Even if, Even though

Short explanation:

This is used to show a condition upon which an action is reliant.


哪怕 + Condition, Main clause


Nǎpà xiàyǔ, wǒ yě huì qù gōngyuán.
Even if it rains, I will go to the park.
Nǎpà jīntiān hěn máng, wǒ yě huì wánchéng wǒ de zuòyè.
Even though I am busy today, I will complete my homework.
Nǎpà míngtiān kǎoshì, tā háishì wán diànnǎo yóuxì.
Even though he has an exam tomorrow, he still plays computer games.
Nǎpà fēng xuě jiāojiā, tāmen yīrán jiānchí xùnliàn.
Even though the weather is snowing violently, they still insist on training.

Long explanation:

'哪怕 (nǎpà)' is a conjunction in Mandarin Chinese used to express a hypothetical condition upon which an action is based. It translates to 'even if' or 'even though' in English. When using '哪怕', we indicate an extreme situation rather than an average or expected one.

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