Decoded Slug: 因而 (yīn'ér) - Therefore, as a result

Mandarin Grammar Point
因而 (yīn'ér) - Therefore, as a result

因而 (yīn'ér) - Therefore, as a result

Short explanation:

Used to indicate a result or consequence.


Clause 1 + 因而 + Clause 2.


Tā méiyǒu wánchéng zuòyè, yīn'ér bèi lǎoshī zébèi le.
He didn't finish the homework, therefore he was reproached by the teacher.
Tā měitiān dōu liànxí dàn gāngqín, yīn'ér jìyì rìyì jīngjìn.
He practices the piano every day, and as a result, his skills are increasingly refined.
Zhège chéngshì de jiāotōng fēicháng yōngjǐ, yīn'ér jīngcháng fāshēng jiāotōng shìgù.
The traffic in this city is very congested, therefore, traffic accidents often occur.
Wǒ zuótiān wǎnshàng méiyǒu shuì hǎo, yīn'ér jīntiān gǎnjué hěn píláo.
I didn't sleep well last night, therefore I feel very tired today.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese phrase '因而 (yīn'ér)' functions as a conjunction and it's used to indicate a result or consequence of something that was previously mentioned. It can be understood as 'therefore' or 'as a result'. This word is often used when you want to explain the effect or outcome based on a certain situation or condition.

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