Decoded Slug: 就算 (jiùsuàn) - Even if, granted that

Mandarin Grammar Point
就算 (jiùsuàn) - Even if, granted that

就算 (jiùsuàn) - Even if, granted that

Short explanation:

Used to express a hypothetical condition and its contrastive results.


(就算 / 即使 / 哪怕) + Hypothetical Condition + 主句


Jiùsuàn nǐ méiyǒu shíjiān, nǐ yě yào chōukōng wánchéng zhège rènwù.
Even if you don't have time, you have to make time to complete this task.
Jiùsuàn wǒ zuì hǎo de péngyǒu duì wǒ bù hǎo, wǒ réngrán huì duì tā hǎo.
Even if my best friend does not treat me well, I will still treat her well.
Jiùsuàn tā zài fùyǒu, tā yě bù huì gòumǎi nà liàng shēchǐ de chē.
Even if he is richer, he would not buy that luxury car.
Jiùsuàn míngtiān xià yǔ, wǒmen de yěcān jìhuà háishì huì jìnxíng.
Even if it rains tomorrow, our picnic plans will still go on.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese phrase '就算 (jiùsuàn)' is used to convey the meaning of 'even if' or 'granted that', introducing an assumption or hypothetical condition. This grammatical structure helps to highlight contrast between hypothetical conditions and their consequences. It's primarily used when the speaker wants to emphasize that even under certain circumstances or conditions, the outcome will remain unchanged.

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