Decoded Slug: 尽管 (jǐn guǎn) - Although, even though

Mandarin Grammar Point
尽管 (jǐn guǎn) - Although, even though

尽管 (jǐn guǎn) - Although, even though

Short explanation:

Used to express a contrast or contradiction between two clauses.


尽管 + Clause 1, (但是/不过/可是 - optional) + Clause 2


Jǐnguǎn tiānqì hěn lěng, tā háishì juédìng chūmén qù pǎobù.
Although the weather is very cold, he still decided to go out for a run.
Jǐnguǎn tā shì wǒ de hǎo péngyǒu, dànshì wǒ bìng bù wánquán tóngyì tā de guāndiǎn.
Even though he is my good friend, I don't entirely agree with his views.
Jǐnguǎn tā gōngzuò fēicháng máng, kěshì tā háishì jìnlì chōuchū shíjiān lái péi háizǐ.
Even though she is very busy at work, she still tries to take time to be with her child.
Jǐnguǎn wǒmen jìnlìle, dànshì wǒmen háishì méi néng gǎn shàng zuìhòu de lièchē.
Although we tried our best, we still couldn't catch the last train.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese word '尽管 (jǐn guǎn)' is a conjunction word used to introduce a concessive clause. It means 'although' or 'even though' in English, and is used to show a contrast or contradiction between two clauses. The condition stated in the '尽管' clause does not influence or change the situation stated in the main clause.

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