Decoded Slug: 并非 (bìngfēi) - Not at all, is not

Mandarin Grammar Point
并非 (bìngfēi) - Not at all, is not

并非 (bìngfēi) - Not at all, is not

Short explanation:

This is used to express strong denial, it is a formal way to say 'not'.


Subject + 并非 + Predicate


Tā bìngfēi wǒ suǒ yùqí de nà zhǒng rén.
He is not at all the kind of person I expected.
Zhè zhǒng guāndiǎn bìngfēi méiyǒu dàolǐ.
This viewpoint is not without reason.
Tā de chénggōng bìngfēi ǒurán.
His success is not accidental.
Qiáo zhī bìngfēi lǎobǎn de érzi, tā zhǐshì gè shíxí shēng.
George is not the boss's son, he's just an intern.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese term '并非 (bìngfēi)' is a formal way of negating a statement or condition, conveying the meaning of 'not at all' or 'is not'. It can be used in both spoken and written language to emphasize a strong denial. Unlike the more common '不是', '并非' is often used in more formal settings or written language.

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