Decoded Slug: 按照 (ànzhào) - According to, in accordance with

Mandarin Grammar Point
按照 (ànzhào) - According to, in accordance with

按照 (ànzhào) - According to, in accordance with

Short explanation:

Used to express 'following a certain method, standard, or way of doing something'.


Subject + 按照 + Standard/Rules + Verb + Rest of the sentence


Ànzhào guīdìng, wǒmen bìxū zài shí diǎn zhīqián wánchéng suǒyǒu de gōngzuò.
According to the rules, we must finish all work before ten o'clock.
Tā ànzhào yīshēng de jiànyì kāishǐ jìnxíng jiànkāng yǐnshí jìhuà.
He started a healthy eating plan according to the doctor's advice.
Wǒmen huì ànzhào nǐ de shuōmíngshū lái cāozuò zhè tái diànnǎo.
We will operate this computer according to your instructions.
Ànzhào hétóng, nǐ xūyào zài yīgè yuè nèi zhīfù zūjīn.
According to the contract, you need to pay the rent within a month.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese preposition '按照 (ànzhào)' can be translated as 'according to' or 'in accordance with' in English. It is used to indicate that someone or something is acting or behaving in a way that follows a certain method, standard, requirement, or rule. Usually, what follows '按照' is a plan, rule, arrangement, or similar kind of criterion that provides a standard or guideline for action.

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