Decoded Slug: 无所谓 (wúsuǒwèi) - Doesn't matter, indifferent

Mandarin Grammar Point
无所谓 (wúsuǒwèi) - Doesn't matter, indifferent

无所谓 (wúsuǒwèi) - Doesn't matter, indifferent

Short explanation:

Used to express indifference or lack of concern towards something.


Subject + 无所谓 + (regarding...) + Rest of the sentence


Qù nǎlǐ chīfàn wǒ dōu wúsuǒwèi, nǐ juédìng ba.
I do not care where we eat, you decide.
Wǒ duì tā shì zěnme xiǎng de, wǒ wánquán wúsuǒwèi.
I don't care at all what he thinks of me.
Wúlùn nǐ xuǎnzé shénme, wǒ dōu wúsuǒwèi.
Whatever you choose, I don't really care.
Nǐ jīntiān chuān nǎ tào yīfú wǒ zhēn de wúsuǒwèi.
I truly don't care which outfit you wear today.

Long explanation:

The phrase '无所谓 (wúsuǒwèi)' in Mandarin Chinese is used to convey a sense of indifference or nonchalance towards a certain situation or outcome. It can be translated to 'it doesn't matter', 'I don’t care' or 'whatever' in English. It is used when the speaker does not have a strong preference or is unconcerned about the result.

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