Decoded Slug: 无论 (wúlùn) - No matter, regardless of

Mandarin Grammar Point
无论 (wúlùn) - No matter, regardless of

无论 (wúlùn) - No matter, regardless of

Short explanation:

Used to express 'regardless of', 'no matter what/who/where etc.'


无论 + Condition, (Outcome).


Wúlùn tiānqì zěnyàng, wǒmen dōu yào qù lǚxíng.
No matter what the weather is like, we will go traveling.
Wúlùn nǐ duōme píjuàn, nǐ yě bìxū wánchéng zhège rènwu.
No matter how tired you are, you must complete this task.
Wúlùn nǐ zài nǎlǐ, wǒ dōu néng zhǎodào nǐ.
No matter where you are, I can find you.
Wúlùn wǒ zuò shénme, tā zǒngshì duì wǒ hěn yángé.
No matter what I do, she is always very strict with me.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese term '无论 (wúlùn)' is a conjunction used to express 'regardless of', or 'no matter what', 'no matter who', 'no matter where', etc. It is equivalent to 'regardless of' or 'no matter' in English. It is typically used to talk about conditions where the outcome is the same.

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